{% import "macros/helper.html.twig" as ContentHelper %} {{ renderHook('head.top') }} {{ renderHook('website.head.top') }} {% block head %} {% filter page_html_content(currentPage, '@head:title') %}{{ ContentHelper.GeneratePageTitle(currentPage) }}{% endfilter %} {{ pageFavicon() }} {% filter page_html_content(currentPage, '@head:seo_meta_tags') %} {% autoescape false %} {{ currentPage.getSeoHtml() }} {% endautoescape %} {% endfilter %} {% if WEBSITE.google_webmaster_tools_tag %} {% endif %} {% if WEBSITE.yandex_webmaster_code %} {% endif %} {{ ContentHelper.GenerateTags(currentPage.getMetaSection('head', 'tags')) }} {% endblock %} {% block css %} {% if isPreview %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% if not isPreview %} {% if WEBSITE.google_tag_manager.id %} {% endif %} {% if WEBSITE.google_analytics.id %} {% if WEBSITE.google_analytics.id|first == 'G' %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if WEBSITE.facebook_pixel.id %} {% endif %} {% if WEBSITE.yandex_metrica_counter.id %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {{ renderHook('website.head.bottom') }} {{ renderHook('head.bottom') }} {{ currentPage.getCodeInjection('header') | raw }} {% if WEBSITE.google_tag_manager.id %} {% endif %} {{ renderHook('body.top') }} {{ renderHook('website.body.top') }} {% filter page_html_content(currentPage, '@body:content') %} {% block content %}{% endblock %} {{ PageBodyContent }} {% endfilter %} {% if WEBSITE.back_to_top_button %} {% include '@websiteWidgets/back_to_top/templates/base.html.twig' %} {% endif %} {% if MotoCallback and MotoCallback.isAllowOnPage(currentPage) or isPreview %} {% include '@websiteWidgets/moto_callback/templates/base.html.twig' %} {% endif %} {% if WEBSITE.cookie_notification.enabled or isPreview %} {% include '@websiteWidgets/cookie_notification/templates/base.html.twig' %} {% endif %} {% block js %} {% if LiveChat and LiveChat.isAllowOnPage(currentPage) %} {{ LiveChat.getEmbed() }} {% endif %} {% if GOOGLE_MAP_API_KEY %} {% endif %} {% if isPreview %}
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